Complete Quality Funeral Service
Park Lawn Cemetery Package
- Includes the Traditional Funeral Offering without
the limousine - Basic services of funeral director and staff
- Transfer of remains to funeral home
- Embalming
- Hairstyling
- Dressing and Casketing
- One afternoon and evening visitation
- Funeral service the next day at church or
at the funeral home - Committal service at cemetery
- Organist and Soloist (at funeral home)
- Hearse
- 20 gauge steel casket
- Prayer Cards
- Acknowledgement cards
- Register Book
- Wilbert Monarch Vault
- Grave (Section 6) Park Lawn Cemetery
- Grave Opening (Park Lawn Cemetery)
- Flat Granite Grave Marker
- Starting at $6,995.00*
*Subsitiutions with price adjustments are permitted. The Headstone is a flat granite marker.
The price includes lettering (name and years), foundation and installation. Park Lawn can
handle adjustments to the grave selection or marker. Prices Effective 4/13/2015